What Makes JP Unique?

1. We enthusiastically share the Good News of Jesus Christ. At JP, we place a strong emphasis on the spiritual component of the mission trip experience.  We begin each day with a morning devotional, allowing students to hear a staff testimony followed by quiet time for students to reflect on the daily scripture and questions. During lunch, work teams engage in the same devotional material and share their responses to the questions. Each night we set aside time for worship, teaching, "God Sightings", and more, led by a trained Program Director and worship leader.  


2. Fresh staff! Have you ever arrived at a work camp only to discover that the staff is exhausted because they are on their 4th, 5th, 8th, or 10th week of staffing? They simply don't have much left in the tank.  Not at JP!  Our staffing model is unique and ensures a fresh staff each and every week at JP. They are pumped for serving your team and the community all week long!

3. Leave your tools at home!  Who needs the headache of begging and borrowing tools from all sorts of people and hauling them to the work camp only to find out that many of the tools you brought won't even be used!  JP's state of the art tool trailers are equipped with all the tools your team will need to get the job done.  Oh, and did I mention you won't have to return all those tools you borrowed (and replace the broken ones)! 

There are more, but those are three of the biggies! 

Combined Middle School & High School Camps

Our combined Middle School & High School work camp weeks will provide a unique and meaningful experience for both age groups. We realize how vastly different a 6th grader is from a 12th grader on so many levels. Because of that, we are intentional to create a work camp experience that is a win-win for both age groups, from the devotional content, to worksites, to the evening program. 

Work Teams/Work Sites

Work Teams: 

  • We create separate work teams for middle school and high school students. 
  • Students and adults are placed into work teams made up of 5-6 students and one to two adults.  
  • Teams are made up of a mix of youth and adults from other churches.  This allows students the opportunity to make new friends and to also live out their experience at JP without any preconceived labels of who they are or how they should act. In essence, it allows them to be themselves in a new environment. Some students may find this uncomfortable at first, but through ice breakers and work team small group time they quickly build lasting friendships. 

Work Sites: 

  • Middle school students will rotate sites each day. 
  • High school students will remain at the same site throughout the week, or until a project is completed. 

A Typical Day at JP

Typical Day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

7:30am: Breakfast.

8:00am: Morning devotional.  

8:30am: Packing lunches, water jugs, tools and materials.

9:15am: Work!!  

4:30pm: Return to camp for showers, and a little down time.

5:30pm: Dinner.

6:15pm: Free time, recreation.

7:15pm: Evening Program

Combined MS & HS: All youth are together for evening program with time set aside after each program to meet in age-specific small groups for going deeper. 


9:00pm-10:00pm: Free Time

10:30pm: Lights Out

Wednesday is FREE DAY for all camps.  This is a full day to hang out with your friends from church, relax, head to the park, tubing, maybe some mini-golf, or other fun activities.  You choose how you want to spend time with your youth group! 

Our Summer Staff...

Our camp staff is comprised of college students and professional adults.  Our staff is trained, experienced, and dedicated to the mission of the Jeremiah Project.  

The staff leadership team is comprised of a Camp Director, Assistant Camp Director, Program Director, Worship Lead, Recreation Lead, Media lead, a Tool Site-Coordinator, Kitchen Staff, and J. Staffers (current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders). 

More Details...

We've tried to cover it all here but if we've missed something, or you have some other questions, we are happy to answer them!  Call us at 1-866-574-5744. 

  • Arrival time

    All Camps: Your group must arrive in camp between 2:00pm-4:00pm on the first day of camp. 

  • camp facilities/lodging

    Romney, WV: Hampshire County 4-H Center. Campers stay in bunkhouses with bunk beds and a central bathhouse. A/C in the bathrooms/showers, as well as in the dining hall and worship space. Bunkhouses are not air-conditioned, but many nights it is cool because of the camp being in the mountains. Participants will be housed based on their birth sex.

  • your Adult Leaders

    Adult leaders must be at least 21 years of age and may only participate if the church has met the required number of adults who are eligible drivers. Minimum age for eligible drivers is 25 years of age. All adults must complete a background check through their church.

    Adult to Student Ratio for Combined Middle & High School camp: 1 Adult for every 7 students.  

  • transportation

    The Jeremiah Project requires that each church bring one (1) 7-Passenger (or larger) vehicle for every 7 people. Vehicles must be large enough to seat belt a 7-member team as well as carry several tools, a large chest cooler and water cooler to the work site each day. Drivers must be at least 25 years of age. Cars, pickup trucks, and other vehicles that are not able to safely transport a minimum of 7 people are not acceptable.  

  • cell phone/Device policy

    When you plan a mission trip with JP, you are supporting our philosophy in creating a setting for students to “retreat” from the everyday distractions of the world in order to better focus on their relationship with God, and to be present with those in the community while at JP. Cell phones are a major source of distraction and prevent students from fully engaging in the mission and community experience at JP. To that end, students are not permitted to have cell phones/devices at JP, with the exception of daytime use on “free day” (Wednesday). Adults may have cell phones, but we strongly encourage them to use them only when needed.  Exceptions to this policy are for medical reasons where a student needs to have access to their device, in which case a letter from a physician is required. We require that all churches participating with JP adhere to this policy.


    Deposit: A deposit of $150.00 per participant is due within 14 days of registration

    Guaranteed Minimum: When you register, you will register a guaranteed minimum number of participants that you will commit to bringing. If your actual attendance falls below the guaranteed minimum, you must still pay the guaranteed minimum. The guaranteed minimum may not be lowered after a contract has been signed. ​You may increase your​ participant numbers, if space allows.

  • Registration: Summer 2025

    Click HERE to see the dates for summer 2025!

    Got more questions? Contact Nancy, our Project Assistant: Nancy@jeremiahproject.org.